Thursday, September 26, 2019

Global health paper - Tuberculosis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Global health paper - Tuberculosis - Essay Example For instance, it is one of the leading killer diseases which are known by to be the greatest fear of the greatest majority of people in the universe today. Health is something important for a given nation, and the entire globe for that matter. This means that it would be necessary that a proper method for healthcare should be formulated towards ensuring there is a proper health structure for the entire world. This is the main reason why innovative finance comes in as a very good approach towards prison health care. Innovative financing is a modern approach that has been noted to come with a number of possibilities towards increasing overall economic development while bringing in positive possibilities which can effectively accelerate all the measures and processes put in place towards health promotion. Reflecting on this perspective, this paper critically examines global health, specifically reflecting on Tuberculosis from a broad point of view. The Impact of the Problem upon the Lar ger Community/World It is evident through research that about 592,000 Americans were released to societies from prison (Hughes & Wilson, 2003). Most remarkably, it is a common believe that criminals have a higher prevalence of diseases such as tuberculosis (TB), chronic medical conditions, substance abuse, AIDS, chronic medical conditions, and mental health problems than the common population in the United States (Flanagan, 2004). In that sense, the release of offenders to the community is considered to have negative impacts, seeing that this puts the lives of innocent people at the risk of getting TB from the inmates. Studies show that the higher prevalence of TB is linked to poor living conditions, pre-arrest poverty, intravenous drug use, and inadequate health-maintenance and disease-prevention practices (Hammett, Roberts, & Kennedy, 2001). Ex-offenders are a susceptible population as of high-risk behaviors and lack of understanding in relation to health promotion and disease avo idance. In simple words, it is unquestionable that the release of exposed criminals to the society presents a major threat and challenge to state, local, and nationwide public health sectors and criminal justice bureaus. Cited by different studies is the fact that TB has negative impacts, which can interfere with the growth of the economy and in that manner interfering with the growth of the nation as a whole (Visher, 2006). The Extent of the Problem In the recent years, it has been a common thing that much emphasis is being placed in the designing of comprehensive and thorough interventions which are based on a precise continual care with the aim of providing consistent care and assistance to offenders. This has been done within and as well beyond the prison perimeters (Markle & Raymond, 2007). There has as well been the recognition that there should proper means through which preparations are done towards the reintegration processes. This has been noted to function properly when i t has been done before the individual has released back into the society (Dorothy & Logie, 2008). That has been noted to be the right way through which the society can rest assured that the individuals who have been released are free from TB and will not put the lives of others at risk. Reflecting on research, recognition of criminal

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